Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bird pictures

Birds in Saguaro National Park
Curved Billed Thrasher sitting on pick-nick table

At the beginning of our trip we had the opportunity to make some wonderful pictures of birds in Saguaro National Park. This small but very nice national park is a haven for all sorts of birds.

Thrasher sitting on Chola Cactus

I was sitting outside one afternoon with Wahids camera on my lap and I took some nice shots, even though it is difficult to take a good shot of those birds, they are so skiddish. Especially the Gambles Quiale, they never sit still. Somebody had left some grapes on the pick-nick table and a bowl of water and that sure helped getting those birds to the table.
Thrasher on dead Saguaro branch
& Gamble's Quail

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