Monday, July 24, 2006

Half way thru the year already

We have been in the States for more then a year now and we have a great time over here. Lots to see, lots to do and still not enough time to do everything we want. When I started this Blog my intention was to keep it updated as much as possible, but I have not been able to do that. Hardly not internet connections, problems with the battery power of the laptop. We can only use the laptop while we are driving or when we have a hook up. Otherwise the battery goes flat in no time.
I did have a Space on MSN which I managed to keep somewhat updated, still behind on that as well. So if you are really interested you could have a look over there:

My intention was to have this blog in English and the Space in Dutch, but I did not manage to do both. I will try do do some updates with some photo's, which we have tons of.

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