Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Close Up Impressions

Most of the photos that I have been putting on the blog were made by me, but of course I do not travel alone and my beloved partner has got a super camera, with a huge zoom lens, so I thought it would be nice to put some pictures of his on this blog.
This male Elk was visiting the Moraine Campground in Rocky Mountain National Park, this was without any doubt the biggest bull around. Later he would be strutting around in the valley in search of his harem. Pretty big boy.

I saw a beautiful photo opportunity, but when I started climbing towards the edge of the rocks my fear of heights got the better of me and I chickened out. Wahid did climb the rock, and was posing quite happily. But when it came to going back from the rock even he hesitated a little. The drop you can not see that well on the picture, but it a sheer drop of 2.000 feet.

This Turkey Vulture was sitting on this rock for the longest time, he was quite far away, but the photo did not come out too badly. This photo was taken on the scenic drive through Black Canyon of the Gunnison in Colorado. A small but ever so beautiful park. The canyon is almost more impressive then the Grand Canyon, because the walls of the canyon are almost dropping down straight.

The photo of this bird was taken on our way to Mt. Rushmore, it looks like its beak is crooked and that he would have a hard time catching anything. Somehow he is getting by alright, because he looked fine. We have not a clue what kind of bird it is, we still have to look it up.

One of the many Prairie Dogs in Wind Cave National Park, they life in big flat areas preferably were the bison come a lot. They make a lot of noise when an intruder is spotted and they hide in their burrow.

This bird of prey we spotted when we were on one of our hikes in the Badlands, it spotted it sitting on a branch quite far away, we moved closer and the bird flew away, we thought that we had lost it, but then it started circling right above our heads and Wahid took this neat pictures.
Still have to look up what kind of bird it is, maybe a hawk or falcon?

This Pronghorn was walking along the trail that we were taken in Wind Cave NP, it was almost like he/she was posing for the picture. These animals are the fastest land animals in North America and the second fastest in the world, with a speed of 70 mph. They are not very good jumpers though.

This Mule Deer was grazing the grass when we spotted her, soon after she moved into the shrubs and she was hard to spot. But with a bit of patience this nice close up shot was taken. Later on in the afternoon we would see her again from the top of the cliffs.

This picture was taken again in Badlands National Park, the evening light is so gorgeous and to our surprise were there some deer grazing in the grass, so we took the opportunity to take a couple pictures of this Mule Deer doe with her fawn complete the picture.

Chipmunck was making a wooshing sound with its tail, we could not believe that we could get that close to him. Funny little critters, we call all small animals "buddies", because sometimes it is so difficult to see if it is a chipmunck or a squirrel. The difference is that chipmuncks have stripes on their heads and squirrels do not.

Photo of one of the wild horse in the South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We were doing a hike and I got stuck in the mud near the river and this horse was standing at the other side of the bank and wanted to get to our side. I do not know who was more scared the horse or me. Wahid pulled me out of the mud and we tried to leave so the horse could come across. He started running across the river up the river bank, pretty cool sight.

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