Monday, September 18, 2006

On Lake Kabegama, MN

Finally on the lake

Yesterday the weather changed for the worst, there was a hurricane warning for the area we were in, but it did not come that far. The winds did pick up and it started raining heavily. There was some heavy thunder and lighting was striking on the lake, at a certain point the motor home started shaking when lighting was nearby. We took the aerial down just to be on the safe side.

This morning it was still raining, it cleared up a little and we took a canoe on Lake Kabetogama, we did not want to go that far, but we did peddle to one of the islands. When we were near the shoreline we saw a young golden eagle flying overhead, of course we did not have our cameras with us. On the way back it was a little more difficult to peddle back, the wind was blowing us in the wrong direction. But soon enough we were near one of the bays and it was much easier to keep course. After we came back to the campsite, I went for a walk. The colors of the trees are changing rapidly, for green to yellow to shades of brown, orange and red. One of the trees nearby the motor home has lost it leaves within two days. There is a whole carpet of leaves that was not there yet a couple of days ago. Finally the sun was peeping through the clouds; the light that was coming thru the different color trees was an awesome sight. Sadly the sunshine did not last that long and dark clouds were moving again.

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